Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Last night's episode....

So last night I was looking forward to finally watching an episode of the bachelorette in a relaxed setting. I knew Bentley was off the show, so it was going to be great to get to see the other guys. Wow...was I surprised. They somehow made Bentley the center of attention AGAIN even after he left the show. Seriously! It is unbelieveable the obsession the ABC producers have with Bentley. I couldn't help but laugh everytime she mentioned Bentley's name. Now I am really starting to feel bad for Ashley and I feel like she is getting thrown under the bus by the ABC producers too. Is is not enough to throw Bentley under the bus, a random contestant... but now ASHLEY too!?!?! She is the bachelorette this season. She is suppose to be the star- not BENTLEY! This is too cruel to watch. You could tell how horribly it was edited and I know if Ashley could tell us the TRUTH (which she cannot- bc she is under contract just like ben) she would argue that they made her look so much more depressed about it than she really was. She and Bentley never even went on a 1 on 1 date during the show. They were only together for about a total of 3 hours- in group settings. That is it! And I guess if she did fall for him in 3 hours, that is probably why he left after 3 episodes. Bentley gave Hollywood a chance and he took off running as fast as his skinny little legs could carry him. Isn't it ironic that Hollywood (ABC producers) are only interested in the one contestant that is not interested in them. I guess people always want what they can't have. ABC could not "make" Bentley stay, so therefore their obsession with him began. Little did he know that he would be the most talked about contestant of the season and the worst villain of all bachelor history. When really he is the only guy that had the courage to stand up against the producers and say "no thanks" I don't want anything to do with your show/scam. I want OUT. At all costs, even if it means making me look bad in the process. Bentley was true to himself at all times. He kept his standards and most Americans do not realize this because they do not know the truth and they never will.

disclaimer : {Kaley's cut- my own thoughts and interpretations of the show}


Cathy said...

It's been a crazy season! I don't normally watch the show .. but they definitely played up the 'drama'. I think they kept adding plugs for Bentley because it would be really boring to see her to flirt with random guys. I'm sure it has been a roller coaster .. I guess next week will be the last episode.

Mom said...

Well said Kaley. I think you have summed it up just right.

Kera said...

you don't know me, but i was sort of dying to hear what betlley or his family thought of ashley's OBSESSION with him. even if the producers did play it up a lot, she still gave them enough material to work with! you really do feel bad for the girl because they are making her look pretty crazy.

it was big of him to leave it really was. even though some things that he said MIGHT not have come across as the classiest, he was still the most normal guy on the show by far! go bentley!

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