Monday, May 19, 2008

Aluminum overdose in vaccines...

As new parents we are fortunate to have most of the Mercury/Thimerosal removed from our children's routine vaccinations. Has anyone thought about the high levels of aluminum? At birth Grant was given the "routine" Hep B vaccine. I consented after Many hours of labor not really thinking twice. There are two types of Hep B vaccine on the market- Merck or GlaxoSmithKline. Both are similar in there aluminum content- 250 micrograms per dose. Doesn't sound like much- right?

"The FDA has determined that babies should not get more than about 25 to 50 micrograms of aluminum in any one day," Dr. Sears says. "If too much aluminum is injected all at once, it can find its way into the brain, bones and body organs and cause damage. This was discovered many years ago in hospitalized patients who were receiving IV solutions containing too much aluminum. That's why the FDA put a limit on it."

Go to and search for aluminum toxicity. Dr. Sears does this and finds part of the answer on page 2 section 3a:

"Aluminum may reach toxic levels with prolonged parenteral administration (injection) if kidney function is impaired...Research indicates that patients with impaired kidney function, including premature neonates, who recieved parenteral levels of aluminum at greater than 4 to 5 micrograms per kilogram of body weight per day, accumulate aluminum at levels associated with central nervous system and bone toxicity (for a tiny newborn this toxic dose would be 10 to 20 micrograms, and for an adult it would be about 350 micrograms). Tissue loading may even occur at even lower rates of administration."

Ok..are you kidding? I gave Grant 250 micrograms in Hep B the first day he was born and he was 2 weeks early.

The article also states; "Aluminum toxicity is difficult to identify in infants because few reliable techniques are available to evaluate bone metabolism in...infants. Although aluminum toxicity is not commonly detected clinically, it can be serious in selected patient populations, such as neonates, and may be more common than is recognized."

What does this mean? Dr. Sears translates for us: "According to the first document , if premature babies get more than 10 micrograms of aluminum per day in their IV solution, it may accumulate in their bones and brain at toxic levels. According to the second document, aluminum toxicity is not rare in newborns and other patients receivinginjectable medications and IV solutions containing aluminum."

Dr. Sears points out that the FDA requires an aluminum warning label on all other injectible medications, other than vaccines. Vaccines have some sort of exemption. Now these articles are on premature babies- but what about full term healthy babies. Have there been done any test on how many micrograms a fullterm, 2 month, or 4 month baby can handle. Up to this point no.- But I hope someone steps up and figures it out. Even a conservative estimate will be less than the 250 micrograms given to fullterm babies at birth.

Just a few other shots and there aluminum amounts:

1. HIB- 225 micrograms per shot (PedVaxHib brand only)
2. Pc- 125 micrograms
3. Hep A- 250 micrograms
4. Pediarix- 850 micrograms
5. Pentacel- 300 micrograms

Talk to your doc and try to pick the brand with the lowest dosages of aluminum. Or seperate shots out a few at a time. It is a pain- but I would sacrafice an inconvienance over a permanent auto-immune disorder anyday- like asthma, allergies, chronic ear infections, etc.

So at Grants 2 month appointment- he weighed 10 pounds and recieved a grand total of 1225 micrograms of aluminum in one day.... ONE DAY!!! unfortunately our doctor had the higher level brands. I wish I would have known about this then.

I guess the FDA just assumes that all kidneys of healthy infants are able excrete this aluminum rapidy before it can circulate through the body, accumulate in the brain and cause toxic effects. Now do I even know if Grant has a kidney problem yet. Oh well... i guess all I can do at this point is pray that his little body pees it all out. Now what if it doesn't all come out?

Well I guess our children as they grow up will be the test results to what aluminum can do to infants and children. Why can't drug companies spend a little more time and money on legitimate current testing that applies to the ingredients used today over a 10-20 year period versus 2-3 year period. I know it would cost too much money and waste too much time. Well like I said earlier- Grant is not going to be the latest science experiment.

I want better tests and more information.

Dr. Sears expects doctors to choose aluminum-free brands as much as possible, and space out the shots to only give one aluminum vaccine at a time. He also expects vaccine manufacturers to begin looking for alternatives that are safer.

I only wish Dr. Sears worked in FL. I would pay top dollar for a doctor like him.


Mommymita said...

Thanks for all the info! Listen to this crazy thing....
I signed a form declining the HepB in the hospital but as I was reviewing my medical bill there was a charge for the Vac - I called the hospital and they are looing into whether it was actually given or if it was a billing error

I don't know how to handle the situation if it turns out they did give it without my consent.

My new dr. is great though and is very understanding and flexible about delayed and selective shots.

Laura said...

WOW!!! This is intense... I wish I knew about this earlier as well. I now have three kids and had NO idea about aluminum overdosing in vaccines. We try so hard to keep our children healthy and away from any danger... I want more test done as well. Come monday I will investigate what my kids have had. Thanks for all the info and research!

Lucky Me said...

Holy Moly! I heard about this a little bit before, but not to this extent. The debate on vaccines and Autism caught my attention not to long ago and I have been listening up for other things as well. You have really done your research! You really have to be on top of things as a parent,and ask a lot of questions. That is apparent with all of these new findings coming out linking vaccinations and health issues. Yikes!

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