Sunday, September 27, 2009

Third Trimester time!

Well I am officially in the third trimester! I am about 28 weeks right now. I can't believe it is already here, but at the same time the days are really starting to get uncomfortable and slow. This little guy is very active and he throws me punches and kicks all throughout the night. Grant was never this active, so I am a little weary about what the future may hold. My placenta is posterior, so I was told that this is why I feel so much more movement than usual- no padding between me and baby. I think I am carrying bigger- but I am sure everyone feels that same way each pregnancy. At my last appointment my midwife commented on how I had a big growth spurt from the last appointment. That is not always something you want to hear when you already feel huge :) I have gained about 28 pounds exactly- which is funny because that is how many weeks I am. I am suppose to gain about a pound a week over the next 2 months- so we'll see what the scale decides! Little guy is head down right now, but he still has time to twirl around. Grant went head down about this time and stayed that way until delivery. I don't mind it too much, just lots of low pressure. I have tons of strong braxton hicks contractions all the time- so much for my irritable uterus. Lots of fun! We still haven't come up with a name, so John and I need to get on the ball when it comes to that. We were so sure with Grant, and this time it is much harder for us to find a name that we like. My official due date is Dec 20th. Grant's bday is the 16th, but his due date was the 28th. Who knows when little guy #2 will decide to appear. That is the latest on the bun in the oven!


Jessica said...

Wow, time is flying! Jace just got his 3rd tooth now!!! You have been on my mind a lot lately, mostly because I need to get your stuff back to you!!! Any upcoming trips to Gainesville? I have a break from school coming up too so maybe I can come see ya on my way to Mt. Dora sometime...

Brooke said...

that's awesome, so jealous :) you get to meet your baby soon, very exciting!

Lucky Me said...

Congrats on your third trimester! It means you closer than you were to welcoming your new baby into the world ;0) I'm glad you talked about the position. I almost forgot about that. My next appoint. is next Monday. Hopefully they can tell me then. Keep working it Mama!

Anne said...

Congrat! I had no idea, we're so happy for you.

Blair said...

Hope everything is going well for both of you with baby #2.

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